Super Saturday
Update customer comments on Excel spreadsheet - 10 pts ea
Time to spend more time updating the customer list. You may or may not have time to finish today - if not make this a priority project in your business after the challenge is finished. As a reminder, here is how I enter information on mineare some suggestions for you:
Year Month Details. Example 2010 May Hostess. By placing the year first when you sort the list you will automatically have the customer information sort by year. Then everything in May stays together and the details will tell you the contact. Update information as you see fit to do so. Here are a couple more examples of what I do:
Club member: 2010 Creative Club _______ (place host month in place of the underline area)
Outside order: 2010 ________ (month) ________ (hostess name) Outside Order
Craft fair/expo/etc: 2010 _______ (month) _______ (event name)
The key is to keep everything the same - same spelling, spacing, dashes if you include them. When you sort by that column in excel you will be able to see all your contacts for the year organized for you by year and then by month.
Respond: Forgot this on Thursday - e-mail me the number of contacts for each day and your system for tracking.
Update customer information in Customer Management - 20 pts ea
Once you have the information on the spreadsheet, update the customer information through the Customer Management in Online Ordering. If you would like to skip the excel entry you can but I have found when I started doing this it is easier to work from the Excel spreadsheet to do the entry than sit at the computer and pull up each contact one by one as you can "lose" where you are very easily.
Respond: E-mail number of updated customers.
Organize monthly business receipts 30 pts ea month
This is honestly my very least favorite tasks in my business - organizing my expenses and income. Each year I get a little bit better at organizing. Personally, I take my take information to a professional so it is a little easier for me as I don't have to do an entry and tracking. My first step was to create a hanging file with a tab labeled for each month. When I do my orders I put the printed order copy into the month. All receipts are placed in this hanging file. I also use this for home too - I use the right side for my business and the left side for home. So if you can make it work for both. Another option is to have a hanging file and at the end of the month put it all in an envelope and label with the month.
So for each month:
1. Print/file your order receipts.
2. Add details to your receipts - circle/underline the expense and at the top of the receipt write the type of expense (office, utilities, supplies, etc)
Respond: E-mail me the months you organized and details of how your organized them!
Enjoy your day off tomorrow - "see" you Monday!