Monday, January 31, 2011

Mojo Monday - Day #26

Today is the last day of our January challenge - I hope you have gained business success with working these challenges!  The next challenge will be in the month of July - the preview month of the Autumn/Winter 2011 idea book.  I wish each of you a successful selling season of the Spring/Summer 2011 idea book!

10 pts. Create artwork using any Spring/Summer Workshop on the Go stamp set with any other paper packet. When you show them how the stamps sets “transfer” to other paper packets or color palettes, they will buy!

Respond: Post on the blog what Workshop on the Go you choose and which paper packet you used to create. Email me a photo of your artwork and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

20 pts. Create artwork using any Spring/Summer Workshop on the Go card or layout pattern with any other paper packet. Creative flexibility!

Respond: Email me a photo of your artwork and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

30 pts. Create a Studio J layout using any paper packet and any pattern. Try one of the techniques featured on the Amy Ulen video.

Respond: Post on the blog what technique you used and email me a photo of your artwork and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Super Saturday - Day #25

10 pts. Attend today’s Connected Hearts Team Meeting

Respond: Post on the blog what was your favorite part of the meeting and what you plan to implement in your business.

20 pts each Contact & invite customer to New Idea Book event.
Respond: Post on blog: How many people did you talk with today?

30 pts each Contact & invite hostesses to schedule gathering in February, March or April.
Respond: Post on the blog how many gatherings you have scheduled in February, March or April as a result of your phone calls.

40 pts. Create a Creative Reference notebook. This notebook will be used to organize all your creative ideas. Tabs could include Techniques, Patterns, Product Info, Workshop Ideas, etc.
Respond: Post on the blog how you plan to use your notebook and how your notebooks are working to help keep you organized!

50 pts. Create workshop or February or March stamp of the month display board.
Respond: Post on the blog your workshop idea and email me a photo of your workshop or your display board and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

Bonus Points:
20 pts - Schedule a New Consultant event during the month of February.

30 pts each - Call and invite the people you wrote on your potential recruit list to your event!  Get an extra 30 pts for each person you call and talk to to invite to your event!

"See" you for our last challenge day on Monday - have a great Sunday with your family!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Follow Up Friday - Day #24

10 pts: Contact and invite customers to your New Idea Book event. If you have already held your event, contact the attendees and follow up with them about their purchases, plans to host, workshops they will attend.

Respond: How many did you speak with? Take 10 pts for each one.

20 pts: Contact and invite hostesses to schedule a gathering in February, March or April.
Respond: How many did you speak with? Take 20 pts for each one.

30 pts: Mail thank you card to hostess or to a customer who placed a recent website order.
Respond: How many did you mail? Take 30 points for each.

"See" you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Think Ahead Thursday - Day #23

10 pts: Print Constant Campaign flyer for the month of February.

Respond: Post to the blog how you will promote the two campaigns in February. Be sure to print enough to distribute to customers, hostesses, club members, etc.

20 pts: Print proposed compensation plan changes - email corporate what you like about the proposal and any recommendations you may have. Everything I have heard on the cruise loop from those who attended – they are thrilled with the proposed changes!

Respond: Post to the blog what you LOVE about the new changes!

"See" you tomorrow!


30 pts: Create and assemble recruiting packet. Create a packet that is especially geared toward a new consultant. Be sure to include the corporate brochure “You Are Welcome Here”, Studio J consultant flyer and the February Constant Campaign flyer. A great way to use your leftover Inspirations brochures is to put them in your packet – while the stamp of the month is no longer available the other products are and is a great tool to use – inexpensive to mail and a great way to use what you have already purchased!

Respond: Post on the blog a goal you have with recruiting and teambuilding.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Web Wednesday - Day #22

10 pts: Update your MyCTMH website or blog with February SOTM artwork. You can schedule your blog posts to appear on the first of the month if you prefer.

Respond: Comment on this post that you have completed the task and whether you promote products in advance (with sneak peeks) or wait until the 1st of the month.

20 pts: Take Training Academy courses to continue working on completing your degree.

Respond: Take 20 points for each course or 100 points if you complete the next degree you are working on completing. If you already have your Phd – give your self 20 pts for each of your 3 degrees.

30 pts: E-mail me to RSVP for Naomi’s meeting.

Respond: Post to the blog so your team members know who is coming to the meeting. If you don’t have an accordion album – Naomi and I have extras. If you use one of mine you can just order to replace mine – if you get one from Naomi you will need to pay her the cost of the album. In your RSVP let me know if you need an album!

"See" you tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Training Tuesday - Day #21

10 pts. Take the Training Academy “Cardmaking 201” course. This video highlights the features of “Wishes” cardmaking book.

Respond: Post a sentence or two on how you will market “Wishes” to your customers.

20 pts. Watch the Studio J YouTube videos by consultant Amy Ulen. Find her videos by clicking on this link:

Respond: Post on the blog what information you will use from these videos to share Studio J with your customers.

30 pts. Watch the corporate Instant Info on the updates from TeamBuilders

Respond: Post on the blog how the new compensation plan will change your goals for your business. Email me your goal for your business for the rest of the quarter. Build off the goals you set in the previous challenge during week one.

"See" you tomorrow!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mojo Monday, Day #20

10 pts. Create artwork using the Spray Pen and any technique you learned from the training video! This is such a great new tool and inexpensive as well.

Respond: Post to the blog what you have learned from using the Spray Pen and any new ideas you have to share! Email me a photo of your art and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

20 pts. Create artwork using the February SOTM and any paper packet in Spring/Summer idea book! This is an opportunity to start showcasing the great new products coming up.

Respond: Email me a photo of your art and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

30 pts. Create a thank you card for your hostess. Sending a thank you card shows your appreciation and builds your relationship with your hostess.

Respond: Email me a photo of your art and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

"See" you tomorrow!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Super Saturday - Day #19

10 pts. Schedule Studio J class dates

Respond: Post on the blog when your classes are or send me an invite to the class.

20 pts. Contact & invite customer to New Idea Book event and/or Studio J class. I know, calling customers can be hard…but the more you do it, the more consistent you are, the easier it is. (Of course I am talking to myself here!)

Respond: Post on the blog how many people did you contact? Take 20 points for each.

30 pts. Contact & invite hostesses to schedule gathering in January, February, or March. This can include hosting a workshop as well.

Respond: Post on the blog how many people did you contact? Take 30 points for each.

40 pts. Create a CTMH notebook - this notebook is your reference for you for corporate and team information.  Tabs you may consider Events, Corporate Updates, Listening Library, Training Academy, heARTS4Him, Connected Hearts and any other tab that you think would be helpful to organize your business. Decorate the cover and make it creative!

Respond: Post a comment on the blog about the changes you have made in your notebook and list the entries you have made. How are you using your notebook?

50 pts. Create an Operation Smile, Recruiting or Hostess display board. A display board is a great resource to use during your events. The help to give customers and perspective recruits a source of information and opportunity to ask more questions. Use information from the Training Academy, Operation Smile tab and other resources from the online office to help you make your board.

Respond: Post on the blog which display board you create and take a photo of your board, send it by e-mail with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

"See" you tomorrow!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Followup Friday - Day #18

It's Follow Up Friday! Let's get organized, let's get busy! Have you had your caffeine today? :o)

10 pts each: Contact and invite customers to New Idea Book event.

Respond: Share on the blog how many people you talked with today and what obstacles you have to making phone calls (uninterrupted time, time of day you are available, how to reach customers, etc)

20 pts: Contact and invite hostesses to schedule a gathering in January or February.

Respond: Share on the blog how many people you talked with today and what obstacles you have to making phone calls (uninterrupted time, time of day you are available, how to reach hostesses, etc)

30 pts: Contact and invite team members that you haven't yet reached to attend the January 29th team meeting or encourage them to participate in this challenge.

Respond: Share on the blog how many you talked with today!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Think Ahead Thursday - Day #17

It's time once again to put on our thinking caps! It's Think Ahead Thursday!

10 pts: Create a new contact packet. Prepare a cover letter introducing them to the Idea Book, your upcoming workshops, clubs, crops, etc. What should you include? Some ideas – ongoing or upcoming classes, monthly special flyer, sotm flyer, hostess and consultant information! Be sure to make it portable to put in your purse and hand out when you meet someone new!

Respond: Respond with a comment to this post - how many did you prepare and what is your goal with them? Where do you think you will meet new people?

20 pts: Create a class plan to teach Studio J. If you would like an updated copy of the 6 Studio J classes Tera Boring and I created – send me an e-mail.

Respond: Share your plan to teach Studio J

30 pts: Make a list of everyone who has expressed an interest in being a consultant or you think would make a great consultant. Be thinking of how to connect with them to share Close To My Heart.

Respond: Post on the blog how many are on your list and share any concerns/questions you have about recruiting.

"See" you tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19 - Web Wednesday - Day #16

10 pts: Register for convention. Our team is signing up under the Jasmine group!

Respond: Comment on this post if you are going!! I'd LOVE to have you join me!

20 pts: Create a Studio J layout using any pattern or paper packet.

Respond: Comment on this post with a link to your layout or at least list the pattern/paper and what embellishments/techniques you used.

30 pts: Create a Studio J layout using an exclusive member only pattern and paper packet.

Respond: Comment on this post with a link to your layout or at least list the pattern/paper and what embellishments/techniques you used.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18 - Training Tuesday - Day #15

10 pts. Watch Marquee Messages – “Spray Pen Unplugged”. This new tool is a blast! To control the spray area from getting messy, I used one of our boxes that are about 13x13 that open in the center.  Use the top of the box as sides when you are spraying - works like a charm!

Respond: Post on the blog how you used the spray pen.  If you have a photo, email it to me and with your permission, I will post it on the blog.

20 pts each - Watch Training Academy – Continuing Education – “Getting to Know Studio J” and “Marketing Studio J”

These courses are fabulous and help you to look at Studio J in different lights and how others might use them.

Respond: Post on the blog how you plan to market Studio J.

30 pts each - Listen to Listening Library “How to Attract More Customers, Hostesses & Consultants" by Casey Spinks and/or (another Listening Library call on recruiting). Did you know you can download these on your MP3 player and listen while you go for a walk? Work on two New Year’s resolutions at once - get some exercise and work on your business!

Respond: Post on the blog the name of the call you listened to and share what you learned and what you will incorporate in your business.

"See" you tomorrow!


Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17 - Mojo Monday - Day #14

10 pts. Create artwork using any new paper packet in Spring/Summer Idea Book (except Wings)

Respond: Email me a photo of your creation and with permission, I will post it on the blog.

20 pts. Create artwork using any new stamp set in Spring/Summer Idea Book (except stamp sets featured in Inspirations) So many great new sets to choose from - my personal favorites are the new sentiment stamp sets - Birthday and Sympathy - LOVE these!

Respond: Email me a photo of your creation and with permission, I will post it on the blog. Inspire us!

30 pts. Share Studio J layouts created with any Autumn/Winter idea book paper packets. I will be doing this one for sure. My goal is to get at least 5 layouts done per month and take advantage of the free shipping with my membership. Just a tip, don’t wait until the last day of the month. Everyone is trying to do the same and it is vveeerrryyyy ssslllloooowww!

Respond: Email me a photo of your layout and with permission, I will post it on the blog. If you don’t have a “picture” then comment on the blog about the paper packet you used and the theme of the layout.

"See" you tomorrow!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15 - Super Saturday - Day #13

Congratulations - you have made it half way through the team challenge for this month!  Don't forget to e-mail your total points for this week before midnight TONIGHT! 

10 Pts. Print flyers (SOTM, New Consultant Kit, Constant Campaign) and Topical Guide – Consultant Training Resources from corporate website

Respond: Comment on the blog that you have completed this.

20 pts each - Contact and invite customers to New Idea Book Event. If I leave a message, I also follow up with an email and mention that in the message so that they can look for your information.

Respond: Comment on the blog the number of customers you talked with directly and how many messages you left.  Be sure to follow up with the messages with another phone call attempt.  There is nothing like getting a personal invitation to an event!

30 pts each -  Contact & invite hostesses to schedule gathering in January, February or March. Be sure to contact your past hostesses to let them know there is a new idea book!

Respond: Comment on blog…how many gatherings do you have scheduled?

40 pts. Create Business Reference Notebook
I have numerous notebooks that I regularly refer to in my Close To My Heart business - this Super Saturday and next Super Saturday challenges will be creating these notebooks that I have come to rely on to keep me organized.  My notebooks are DESPARATELY needing updated so by putting these great organizational tools that have helped me in the challenge, I also get my notebooks updated.

The business reference notebook is meant to be a quick reference notebook for using when you are putting in orders and needing a reference in an at a glance style.  I use a 1" notebook for this notebook.

The business reference notebook is a notebook I use with the following tabs:
Constant Campaign
Consultant Kit
Catalog (Retired Lists, Idea Book Recipes, RGB codes)
Respond: Comment about the tabs you used in your notebook.

50 pts: Create Customer Reference notebook
This notebook is used to keep all my customer information sheets (the Excel spreadsheet form I sent to you via e-mail - if you don't have it e-mail me).  I will keep information about each customer on this form so when I make connections with them, I can write down the details and have all their information at my finger tips.  You will need a 1" binder for this challenge.

I have the following tabs in my binder:
1.  Monthly Followup (Sheet with each month on the top with a running list of people to contact - so when you are on the phone and they need you to call them in x month you can write their name on the list.  When it gets to be that month simply use the list to make calls to your CTMH Friends)
2.  CTMH Friends (File your contacts information sheets alpahbetically)
3.  Newsletter - Print a copy of your newsletter so you have it to see at a glance
Respond: Comment on blog the tabs you have created and how you intend to use your notebook!

"See" you tomorrow!


January 14 - Follow-Up Friday - Day #12

Time to follow-up and continue building on the strong foundation you are establishing in your businesses! I'm so proud of you! This is actually WORK, isn't it? You'll find that those who actually WORK their businesses will be successful. So "here's to you" my incredible team! Love ya!

10 pts: Continue to personally contact and invite customers to your New Idea Book Event.

Respond: Comment on this post with how many you actually made contact with. Do you think they were flattered that you personally reached out to them?

20 pts: Continue to contact and invite hostesses to schedule a gathering in January or February.

Respond: Share how many bookings you have received from contacting your hostesses or potential hostess.

30 pts: Contact and encourage your DL to participate in the team challenge.

Respond: List your DL who are participating in the challenge this week (they need to be commenting on posts to participate) and take 30 pts for each one!

"See" you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13 - Think Ahead Thursday - Day #11

It's amazing how helpful it is to actually think ahead, to plan and prepare for future events. It takes so much pressure off as you get closer to your events because much of the work is already done! So, here we go....

10 pts: Prepare hostess packets. I like to include the Rewards Come Now brochure along with a Hostess Wish List, Hostess Check List, Hostess 40 Guests List, SOTM flyers, and an EZ Invite letter explaining the benefits of using EZI, SOTM flyers, current or upcoming hostess specials, and I also include a personalized (if I know in advance the name of the hostess) or use a generic cover letter explaining the contents. ALWAYS include your business card or magnet for easy reference and a small hand-made card is a plus. (This can be a "thank you for hosting" card or a left-over previous make 'n take project, or a current make 'n take option, stamp of the month, etc)

Respond: Comment on this post with how many packets you prepared? Did you include additional items not mentioned above?

20 pts: Prepare new gathering game materials.

Respond: Share a photo if possible or a brief description of what you did to prepare your game.

30 pts: Prepare gathering project for January/February gatherings.

Respond: Share details of the gathering project you will be using in January/February. E-mail me ( with a photo to post to the team at the end of the week!

"See" you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12 - Web Wednesday - Day #10

Power-up your browsers girls, it's Web Wednesday!

10 pts: Last week you emailed your New Idea Book event, posted it on your blog, and set up a FB invite. Today update your blog or FB with a sneak peek photo of your make 'n take project or a sneak peak (portion of the photo) to build anticipation. We don't want to reveal too much - the point is to build anticipation and curiosity.

Respond: Comment on this post with the link to your update.

20 pts: Find a new gathering game. Check out the Resource Library in the Training Academy for some great ideas!

Respond: Comment on this post with your all time favorite game, then tell us what NEW gathering game you chose.

30 pts: Update your MyCTMH Calendar with January and February classes, workshops, new idea book events, crops, SOTM, Inspirations, etc. (include photos if you have them now - otherwise add them as soon as those projects are complete - PRIOR to the event).

Respond: Leave a comment on this post with your website address for all of us to check out!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11 - Training Tuesday - Day #9

Today is 1.11.11 - how cool is that date?! I love it - so just for fun we are changing the points!

11 points:
Select and watch any consultant video. There are many talented consultants out there who do UStream and YouTube videos. Some of my personal favorite are Tresa Black, Tracey Mason and Aaron Booth. Just search on YouTube for the names and you should find some great videos!

Respond: Post on the blog what you watched and the link so we can watch it too!

21 Points:
Select and watch any Training Academy course. Have you started working on a degree in the training academy? Many of the videos are less than 15 minutes. Pick one that is relevant to your goal for this challenge month and watch it.

Respond: Post on the team blog, what video you watched and what you learned to boost you towards your goal.

31 points:
Listen to the Listening Library “Gathering Authenticity” by Louise Moyer and/or “Handle Objections with Confidence and Grace” by Mary Christensen.

Respond: Post on the team blog your “take away message” from the one you listened to.

"See" you tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10 - Mojo Monday - Day #8

I hope you all had a restful weekend. I love the idea of creating on Monday – it is a great start to a new week.  I will be creating while I watch the Ducks play Auburn - GO DUCKS!  Yes, I am normally a Beaver fan BUT tomorrow I am rooting for Oregon!

10 points:
Create a card/layout using a Color Me Monday combination from the month of December. Visit Jeanette's Blog and choose a color combination that suits your fancy. Combine this with the 20pt challenge and you are working smarter!

Respond: Post on blog or Facebook, the date of the color challenge you chose. Give it a link so others can go directly to it.

20 Points:
Create a card/layout using any stamp set featured in the Inspirations brochure. If you are using the color combination from Jeanette's blog instead of the "Wings" color combo, you will see how fun and versitile our stamps and color pallette can be! Give it a try!

Respond: Email me a photo and I can post it on the team blog with your permission. As a bonus, post it on your blog, CTMH artwork, or Facebook.

30 Points:
Create a card/layout using the technique learned in the Art & Soul episode. Wow, now you can work really smart and combine all three challenges for a 60 point day! The technique I loved was the liquid glass resist...might even try it with the spray pen! Have fun.

Respond: Email me a photo and I can post it on the team blog with your permission. As a bonus, post it on your blog, CTMH artwork, or Facebook. Put your creativity out there…show them what you got girls!

"See" you tomorrow!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Inspiration - January Stamp of the Month

What a fun stamp set to create with - now!  Let me explain - sometimes the styles of the stamp of the month's challenge my natural creativity.  We all have a style of stamp set we are comfortable with and styles we are not - this set fit in my not comfortable style category.  BUT regardless, I use each stamp of the month to create art to ssssttttrrrreeeetttttccccchhhh (stretch) my creativity limitations.  I think it is easy to get locked into my own style and not recognize that there are many customers who have different styles than I do.  Plus, I totally think there is a lot of value in furthering your creativity by forcing yourself to work outside your style choice!  With that said - here are artwork samples I created using this stamp set!  (If you would like to see each one up close and personal - visit my website (find the link on the right hand side of our blog!)

To further inspire you, Tera Boring shared her AMAZING artwork with us in response to the Mojo Monday team challenge!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8 - Super Saturday - Day #7

10 pts. Create a Spring/Summer Idea Book wish list shopping plan. When I first look through a new idea book, my wish list is SO long! But I know that it takes time to purchase all that I want.

Respond: Post on the team blog one of your "must haves" you are ordering right away from the new idea book.

20 pts. each: Contact & invite customer to New Idea Book event. I recommend phoning people on your invite list. I find that if they are not home, I will leave a message like the following: "You are invited to my _____event. I have sent you an email on _________ date. Take a look at all the fun we are going to have and let me know if you and a friend will join us."

Respond: How many people did you phone? How many did you actually talk to? How many are planning to attend.

30 pts. Contact & invite hostesses to schedule gathering in January or February. I use a similar message as above, with an email listing the next couple of dates I have available. Then you will probably still have to follow up with another phone call. Maybe in the email you can ask for the best time to call.

Respond: How many people did you phone? What are the dates you have set with a hostess?

40 pts. Plan gathering/classes/workshops for February – July. Think about the holidays coming up and schedule workshops or events with projects that will coordinate. Use your shopping list to help you plan what you teach. By combining your shopping list with your teaching plans you will be working smarter...not harder and combining your resources to make the most out of your purchases! Once you have planned what your are teaching, make a month by month shopping list!

Respond: Share a workshop/class plan and what month you are teaching workshop/class.

50 pts. Set goals for first quarter 2011 (January-March). Option one: Watch Setting and Achieving your Goals in the training academy, 101 Personal development course, print out and complete worksheets that go with the training. SMART Goals worksheet and/or Setting and Achieving Your Goals Worksheet

Option two: What is your why in the 101 business courses. Complete the activity suggested Then get specific and write down your why.

Respond: Share one of your goals on the team blog and the actions to plan to take early on toward achieving that goal or share your "why" in one or two sentences.

"See" you Monday!  Don't forget to e-mail me your point total for the week by midnight tonight!

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7 - Follow-up Friday - Day #6

10 pts: Contact & invite customers to your New Idea Book event. You've sent out your marketing email, posted on FB and Twitter, now it's time to follow-up with a personal invite to your event. Be sure to personally respond to those who have RSVP'd to your email/FB/Twitter posts. Remember, our business is based on the relationships we nurture!

Respond: Post to today's blog post how many people you have personally invited and the results of your e-mail (how many responded via e-mail, how many waited for you to call, etc).

20 pts: Contact & invite hostesses to schedule a gathering in January or February. Let her know what you will be teaching in the month she is interested in hosting.  Use the new idea book to get her to "lock" in a date - let her know if she schedules with you - she can get the new idea book NOW in her hostess packet!
Respond: Post to today's blog post how many you spoke with and how many scheduled a gathering!
30 pts: Contact & invite your team members to attend the January 29th Connected Hearts team meeting.

Respond: Post to today's blog post the team members who will be attending the team meeting!

"See" you tomorrow,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6 - Think Ahead Thursday - Day #5

10 pts: Create a product ordering wish list from the Spring/Summer Idea Book.  To create my wish list, I decide what I am teaching for the month.  I use the form I created in Excel (e-mailed to you Saturday, January 1).  I always teach with paper packets/stamp sets that I will use for my personal scrapbooking and stamping.  Once I have determined what I am teaching, I make a month by month wish list.  This helps me to plan my purchases and coordinate product use!  Works really well for me!

Respond: Respond to today's blog post how you determine your wish list and if you are brave - your retail total of your wish list before your commission!

20 pts: Inventory your gathering/hostess/recruiting/business supplies and make a supply order. Be sure to check the Master Supply list for updated items, prices, and item numbers.
Respond: Respond to today's blog post what supply items you ordered!
30 pts: Make a list of all previous or potential hostesses

Respond: Respond to today's blog post how many potential hostesses that are on your list!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5 - Web Wednesday - Day #4

10 pts: Become a follower on our team blog or Naomi Smith's Connected Hearts team blog.

Respond: Respond on our team blog about a post that inspired you on Naomi's blog.  Follower verified on blog.

20 pts: Update your MyCTMH website or blog with details about your New Idea Book Event. If you are on Facebook, set up the event to invite your FB friends. If you are on Twitter, tweet about your upcoming event with a link to your website or blog post.

Respond: Email me a link to your blog post or website and include me in your Facebook event.

30 pts: Listen to the Listening Library "Goal Setting" by Naomi Smith and/or "Create a Booking Bonanza".

Respond: Post on today's blog post your number one goal for the quarter and an idea you plan to implement from one of these calls.

"See" you tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4 - Training Tuesday - Day #3

5 pts: Read Naomi's Connected Hearts Blog from Tuesday December 28th.  Click here to get to Naomi's blog!

Respond: Comment on today's post on our team blog a goal that you would like to start, "x" off each week and create a chain?

10 pts: Watch the December 21st Art & Soul

Respond: Comment today's blog post one technique or product use featured in the Art & Soul episode that you will try this month.

20 pts: Watch the instant info on “Inspirations” on the CTMH website. Decide what your goal will be for the month of January "Inspirations". Can be creative, sales, club oriented. Be realistic and honest with yourself but also push yourself just a bit.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post the "key" product that unlocks the special pricing for the Inspiration Products and your goal for "Inspirations".

30 pts: Listen to the Listening Library “Envisioning Success” by Martha Stanley and/or “People Smarts for Higher Sales” by Cindy Sakai

Respond: Comment today's blog post an idea that you want to implement from one of these calls.

"See" you tomorrow,


Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3 - Mojo Monday - Day #2

10 pts: Choose your favorite new product in the Spring/Summer idea book & an “up sell” buddy. Upselling is a great way to add to your sales, even in small amounts. For example, an upsell with reinkers is the new spray pen.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post the product name and upsell buddy.

20 pts: Create a card using the January SOTM or Wings WOTG stamp set using Wings My Reflections Paper Packet. Use a how to book, Wishes or Originals for inspiration...or even the new idea book.

Respond: E-mail me a photo of your card & your permission if you would like it posted on the blog.

30 pts: Create “thank you for your order” card using Wings WOTG card pattern with any new paper packet. Customers appreciate a little thank you!

Respond: E-mail me a photo of your card & your permission if you would like it posted on the blog.

"See" you tomorrow!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1 - Super Saturday - Day #1

5pts: Print or buy a 2011 calendar for your CTMH events/schedule Make sure to choose a style that works for you! I personally have a school year calendar - July 2010 to June 2011 At-A-Glance - month tabs with week by week where you can write in details on each day.  Works great for me - I like to see my month at one time.  I am still a printed calendar girl.  If you use an electronic calendar - print January-March.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post your calendar "style" and why it works for you!

10 pts: Mark your calendar with personal/family dates for first quarter (January-March). Record all of your family commitments. Plan as far out as you can with children’s activities, church, volunteer, family time.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post about your calendar....pretty full? Lots of space?

20 pts: Mark your calendar with the training & events for 2011 include heARTS4Him & Connected Hearts (Naomi's) team meetings, Convention, Leadershare (if you are attending) and Stamp Camp!

Respond: Comment on today’s blog post a topic or technique you would like to learn in an upcoming team training.

30pts: Select date(s) for Spring/Summer 2011 New Idea Book event. Personally, I have scheduled mine for the first part of February - it works better for me to be able to have time to order new product and make new artwork samples.  Planning the event is just part of the challenge - the other part is to set a goal for your event. Your goal can be a sales goal, number of bookings, number of new guests, number of workshop sign ups, number of class sign ups, etc.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post your event date with your goal for the event.

40 pts: Determine open dates for gatherings/workshops for January-March. With the days that are left, highlight all in one color, the days that you want to conduct Gatherings. Highlight the top half of the day if you are available in the daytime and the bottom half if you are available in the evening. Highlight your available days for January - March.

Respond: Comment on today's blog post three to five dates you have set aside for a gathering or workshop during the months of January-March.

50 pts: Finalize your event details and create an email invititation to market your event. Send to your customers by e-mail or using an e-mail newsletter format.  Personally, I am starting to use MailChimp - they have a free account for up to 1000 e-mail addys.  This also seems pretty easy to use!

Respond: Send me an invite (!

"See" you tomorrow!
